Sep 11, 2010

Never forget 9/11 where were you?

In Memory of 9/11/2001
And the second image of the9/11 Memorial in NYC.
never forget.
Where were you when the world stopped turning that September morn?

I was just leaving work that morning, got in the car and turned on the radio, and the feed was live from NY and the announcer was somewhat breathless, confused, and saying this is the report not yet confirmed that a plane just flew into the world trade center.  In minutes he said he was getting confirmed reports from eyewitnesses.  By the time I made it home there was another plane, and then the Pentagon was hit by a plane soon thereafter. 
The next day everything just seemed "silent".  No planes in the skies, much less traffic on the streets. Alone.

My son was only 3 months old then. My world, the world I grew up in changed forever- became a world he would never know.
9/11 Memorial at ground zero New York