Jul 19, 2009

He always ended the new broadcast on CBS television nightly news by saying, "And that's the way it was, (insert the date)".

His was the face and voice America trusted. Because of him broadcasters became known as "anchors" and in some countries he is so linked to the job and style that they are called "Cronkiters".

40 years ago the country listened to his voice while men landed on the moon.
Who will we remeber telling us about the next man on the moon?

NO one most likely. We won't know how we found out.

We get news from faceless, voiceless websites more often than not or even a "tweet" from Twitter or a text from a news source like CNN or Fox.

Cronkite and televison was the latest thing, the trendsetter of his day.

He was the "text" or "tweet" or "status update" at that time.
Oh well... I'll remember. Maybe you will too.


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